01/16/2024 //www.kaukauna.k12.wi.us/pro/bulletin/rss_posts.cfm?threadid=1246&memberid=1058 KHS Annoucements - 01/16/2024 en-us Becky Hurst //www.kaukauna.k12.wi.us/schools/high/about/KHSAnnouncements.cfm?posts=1&threadid=1246#item_1249 Announcements, January 16th 


Happy Birthday and 1/2 Birthday to our seniors Braeden Reader, Lucas Rusch, Sydney Fauske, Kylie Jakubek, Melanie Yang, Aiden Mandel, Ella VanDemark, Olivia Hinderman, Makhia Purdy, Matthew Hanson and Chase Niesen, Taryn Christopher and Julia Svensson.


Life Tools Tutoring will be offering a 2-day ACT test-prep course on Saturday, January 27 and Saturday, Feb 3 from 8:30-12:30 at St. Ignatius School in Kaukauna.  Please register at www.LifeToolsTC.com.  The cost of this intensive 2-day course is $180.  If you have any questions, stop in Student Services.


Attention Seniors:  If you are thinking about graduating early, you need to meet with your guidance counselor and fill out the proper paperwork.  This needs to be completed by February 1 to be considered, so make sure you let your counselor know as soon as possible.


The Women’s Fund of the Fox Valley Region will once again be offering an opportunity for high school girls to participate in a free leadership training,  community service, and learning how to make a positive difference for girls within your community through our Girl-Powered Giving program.  The program will launch in February with a group of 15-20 girls and is designed to ignite your passion and inspire life-long community stewards.  Deadline to apply is coming soon.   Stop in Student Services today for details and more information if you are interested! 


FVTC is hosting a Culinary Arts & Hospitality Day on Friday February 16th. There are only 10 spots available so if you're interested in learning about a serious career in Culinary Arts, please see Mrs. Lehrer in D111 before Friday January 19th to secure your spot.


The Casa Hispana Scholarship is now ready to accept applications from Hispanic students who are interested in pursuing their academic goals.  The link for the application can be found in Xello.  Deadline to apply is Feb. 1.  If you have any questions, please stop in Student Services.


Have you ever dreamt of going to Japan? You have an opportunity to travel to Japan for two weeks this summer through the Kanonji Exchange program.

There will be an informational session this Thursday in the Library during FLEX. Sign up or see Mr. Hietpas if you are interested. 


Tue, 16 Jan 2024 07:44:13