05/14/2021 //www.kaukauna.k12.wi.us/pro/bulletin/rss_posts.cfm?threadid=913&memberid=1058 KHS Annoucements - 05/14/2021 en-us Becky Hurst //www.kaukauna.k12.wi.us/schools/high/about/KHSAnnouncements.cfm?posts=1&threadid=913#item_916 Announcements, May 14th


Happy Birthday to Brodie Schaeuble and John Schuessler

Happy Weekend Birthday to Breana Nault and Jonathon Mielke


Are you a leader who loves to volunteer?  Key Club is looking for officers for next school year.  Please see Mrs. Becker in the Activities office for an application.


Seniors - if you are planning on attending the Tours of Graduates on May 24th, please pick up a permission slip in Student Services and get it turned in ASAP.  Thank you!



Fri, 14 May 2021 08:41:43