11/23/2021 //www.kaukauna.k12.wi.us/pro/bulletin/rss_posts.cfm?threadid=962&memberid=1058 KHS Annoucements - 11/23/2021 en-us Becky Hurst //www.kaukauna.k12.wi.us/schools/high/about/KHSAnnouncements.cfm?posts=1&threadid=962#item_965 Announcements, November 23rd 


Happy Birthday to Hayden Kihl, Toby Kavanaugh, Carli Wagner, Alyssa Wurm, Hunter Dalton, 


Today is the KHS Blood Drive. If you signed up to donate, please do the following: Show up on time to the donation location which is in the auxiliary gym…..bring your student ID to the auxiliary gym, continue to drink plenty of fluids all day, eat a really good breakfast, hopefully you have a short sleeved shirt on and get prepared to taste and vote on the bake-off items!! Don’t forget to donate a canned good or other nonperishable food item at the blood drive…..you could win gift cards!!! Thanks for being a lifesaver today!!!


A rep from the U.S. Air Force ROTC will be in Student Services during FLEX on November 30.  Sign up if you are interested.


A rep from Fox Valley Tech will be in Student Services on Wednesday, Dec 1.  Sign up in edficiency if you are interested.


Did you know that a source of strength within each of us is generosity?  One way we can acknowledge our generosity with others and ourselves is through gratitude.  Sources of Strength invites you to add a feather to "Janis the Generosity Turkey" during lunch the next few days.  Members of the group will be available during lunch today and tomorrow.  You will have the opportunity to write something or someone you are grateful for on a feather and add it to our Turkey!  Let's make Janis the most colorful feathered turkey eve

Tue, 23 Nov 2021 09:39:06