At Kaukauna Area School District, our collective purpose is to develop teacher and student expertise in language, literacy, and learning. We do this by scaffolding and differentiating, by using data, and by collaborating. The Partnerships In Comprehensive Literacy Model is a theoretical framework KASD utilizes to achieve that collective purpose. The ten features of the Partnerships in Comprehensive Literacy (PCL) model provide a structure for implementing, coordinating, and assessing a comprehensive literacy design for continuous school improvement. The features are based on evidence from best literacy practices, effective school reform, school-embedded professional development, and research-based interventions. Feature 1: A Framework for Literacy uses a workshop approach for meeting the needs of all students, including whole group, small group, and individual conferences within an integrated, inquiry-based curriculum. Feature 2: Coaching and Mentoring uses contingent scaffolding, coaching cycles, and a gradual release model for increasing teacher efficacy. Feature 3: Model Classrooms are constructivist settings where teachers meet together to apprentice one another in implementing the literacy framework. Feature 4: High Standards are based on state, national, and professional standards that align with specific benchmarks along a literacy continuum. Feature 5: Accountability includes a school-wide, seamless assessment system with multiple measures for evaluating success, including formative and summative assessments, student portfolios, intervention assessment walls, and school reports. Feature 6: System Interventions are structured within a Comprehensive Intervention Model (CIM) portfolio that includes classroom, small-group, and one-to-one interventions matched to student needs. Feature 7: Collaborative Learning Communities are embedded into the school climate, including literacy team meetings, professional learning communities, teacher book clubs, peer observations, cluster visits, teacher conferences, and demonstration lessons. Feature 8: Well-Designed Literacy Plan is developed and revised for continuous school improvement, including short and long-term goals with specific benchmarks for progress monitoring. Feature 9: Technology is embedded into teaching and learning contexts. Students use technology to seek information, conduct research, and produce projects. Teachers use technology for professional learning, collaboration, and research. Feature 10: Spotlighting and Advocacy are techniques for disseminating information on the model, including news releases, research articles, school reports, conference presentations, and other advocacy efforts.