11/20/2020 //www.kaukauna.k12.wi.us/pro/bulletin/rss_posts.cfm?threadid=818&memberid=1058 KHS Annoucements - 11/20/2020 en-us Becky Hurst //www.kaukauna.k12.wi.us/schools/high/about/KHSAnnouncements.cfm?posts=1&threadid=818#item_821 Announcements, November 20th


Happy Birthday to Tommy Tetzlaff, Noah and Preston Kindness.


Weekend Birthday wishes to Jaden Grimm, Tyler Wood, Lindsey Laflen


A virtual visit from Milwaukee School of Engineering will be held on Nov 30.  Sign up in edficiency if you are interested.   


Attention Seniors:  The Foot Locker Student-Athlete Scholarship is now available to a current Senior involved in high school sports, intramural sports, or community based sports that offers (20) $5,000 renewable 4 year scholarships.  Stop in Student Services for more information.


Time is running out for students interested in donating blood at NHS blood drives. Sign-

ups are taking place outside of the nurses office before school, during both lunches and after

school. If you have been able to register yet, see Mrs. Miller-Flynn. Remember when you are

registering to donate, you need to look at 2nd trimesters schedule.

Fri, 20 Nov 2020 08:14:05