02/19/2021 //www.kaukauna.k12.wi.us/pro/bulletin/rss_posts.cfm?threadid=866&memberid=1058 KHS Annoucements - 02/19/2021 en-us Becky Hurst //www.kaukauna.k12.wi.us/schools/high/about/KHSAnnouncements.cfm?posts=1&threadid=866#item_869 Announcements, February 19th


Happy 1/2 Birthday to Benjamin Moore, Dustyn Drawenek, Alan Torres


Weekend Birthdays and 1/2 Birthdays Brody Fisher, Alexis Bellotti, Joe Fieck


The February 23rd blood drive is right around the corner. If you are still interested in

donating blood, please register with NHS students who are by the nurses office before school, at

both lunches and after school. If you are unable to do that see Mrs. Miller-Flynn to register.


Attention Senior Class!!! Senior T-Shirts will be sold during lunch in the commons February 16th-26th. Shirts are $14, and you must pay when you order. 

Only students who order a shirt will be allowed to sign their names on the back. 


Attention Tech Bound Seniors: The Technical Excellence Scholarship is now available for any senior planning to attend a Wisconsin Technical College. Three scholarships are awarded in the amount of $2250 per year for up to 3 years for students with the most credits in technical education regardless of GPA. It is a 30 second application and well worth your time to apply! Application is due on March 2nd. See Mrs. Josephs in student services for more information.

The AP Exam deadline is quickly approaching for AP courses that run in trimesters 2 and 3. Students should have a College Board account by now and should join all courses using the unique join code. Please see your AP teacher if you have not yet done this important step. The deadline for students in courses that run tri 2 and 3 is Monday, March 1st. Please select YES in your College Board account if you plan to take the exam, fill out the paper form given by your AP teacher and submit your payment to Mrs. Brouch as soon as possible. Please contact your AP teacher or Ms. Vraney with any questions. 



Fri, 19 Feb 2021 09:16:26