02/25/2021 //www.kaukauna.k12.wi.us/pro/bulletin/rss_posts.cfm?threadid=868&memberid=1058 KHS Annoucements - 02/25/2021 en-us Becky Hurst //www.kaukauna.k12.wi.us/schools/high/about/KHSAnnouncements.cfm?posts=1&threadid=868#item_871 Announcements, February 25th


Happy Birthday to Logan Stumpf


The Army National Guard will hold a virtual meeting during Flex on Monday, March 1.  Sign up in Edficiency if you are interested.


Attention Senior Class!!! Senior T-Shirts will be sold during lunch in the commons today and tomorrow . Shirts are $14, and you must pay when you order. Only students who order a shirt will be allowed to sign their names on the back. 


Attention Tech Bound Seniors: The Technical Excellence Scholarship is now available for any senior planning to attend a Wisconsin Technical College. Three scholarships are awarded in the amount of $2250 per year for up to 3 years for students with the most credits in technical education regardless of GPA. It is a 30 second application and well worth your time to apply! Application is due on March 2nd. See Mrs. Josephs in student services for more information.


The AP Exam deadline is quickly approaching for AP courses that run in trimesters 2 and 3. Students should have a College Board account by now and should join all courses using the unique join code. Please see your AP teacher if you have not yet done this important step. The deadline for students in courses that run tri 2 and 3 is Monday, March 1st. Please select YES in your College Board account if you plan to take the exam, fill out the paper form given by your AP teacher and submit your payment to Mrs. Brouch as soon as possible. Please contact your AP teacher or Ms. Vraney with any questions. 


Project 7 Student-led Bible study is back! Join us every Friday during Flex time in E209. Everyone is welcome!


Attention KHS Sophomores and Juniors-  The First of Many mentorship program pairs first-generation college students at Lawrence University with potential first-generation students at Kaukauna High School.  A first-generation college student is a college student whose parents/guardians have not completed a bachelor's degree. This program is intended to knock down barriers for students interested in pursuing a college education by providing them with a mentor and a curriculum that will cover topics including but not limited to, financial aid, college applications, selecting a major, and scholarships. Matches will meet via Zoom for approximately 30-60 minutes, once per week for approximately 8-10 weeks.

If you would like to apply to be a participant in the First of Many program, please contact Mr. Binsfeld in student services. He will work with you to complete the application.  Applications are due March 15, 2021. The program will tentatively be running from March 29th to May 24th.


Students interested in learning more about the Community Blood Center Scholarship should pick Mrs. Miller-Flynn's Flex for today,Thursday, Feb. 25th.


Students interested in learning more about THe Community Blood Centers Gallon Grad program should pick Miller-Flynn Flex Friday , Feb 26th.


Any athletes interested in playing football next fall should attend a player meeting on Tuesday, March 2nd at 3:25 in the auditorium.  Anyone who cannot make it must contact Coach Binsfeld directly.  The meeting will last about 20 minutes.  


Attention Seniors:  The Elk's will be having a Technical College Scholarship again this year!  Applications can be obtained at www.wielks.org or in Student Services.  Stop in if you have any questions.  Deadline is April 1.


The Kaukauna Community Health Associates is currently accepting applications for its 2021 scholarship.  Application forms are available online at the website kcha-wi.org 


Fox West Chamber of Commerce is pleased to award (2) $500 scholarships to a graduating senior that resides in Outagamie County.  Log into Xello or stop in Student Services for an application.  Deadline to apply is March 15.


A rep from Northern Michigan University will be available for a virtual visit during Flex time on Tuesday, March 2.  Sign up in edficiency if you are interested.




Thu, 25 Feb 2021 08:48:52